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And I sat and I thought about how little people live in little houses and how big people live in little houses also. I thought about how little people live in big houses and how big people live in big houses too. 


I thought about little people in little houses, with big ideas of how they belong in big houses and how big people in big houses have small ideas about small houses. 


I thought about how we’re all constantly moving around these big and small dwellings and whether (small or big) we ever make our way to the big houses of the small lodgers’ dreams and whether, the big people in the big houses care when… or where… or why… or how… the small people move from their small houses. 


And I was all at once sad. Thinking about the houses of the big and small people moving through their small and big lives.  All of them wondering if, or why, the others should care. 


I wonder ultimately are we all trapped?


Are we all just small and big people moving around small and big houses just desperately looking for the door?


Photo by Toa Heftibaon Unsplash

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